We are pleased to inform you that the new Handbook on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluating for Development Results was launched by the Administrator on September 15th, 2009. The Evaluation Office, the Operations Support Group, and the Capacity Development Group of the Bureau for Development Policy collaborated in revising the publication. Please click here to view the video clip of the launch, which was followed by a conversation between the Administrator and Mr. Bruno Pouezat, Resident Representative in Azerbaijan, on the importance of managing for development results in UNDP.
This Handbook is different from previous versions. Recognizing the importance of integrating results-based management at the design stage, this version includes a section on planning. As the Administrator emphasizes in her letter, working consciously towards results requires systematic planning, monitoring and evaluation. The Handbook is also intended to help you support national capacities in these areas in close collaboration with national counterparts and institutions.
You will soon receive printed copies of the Handbook in English, Spanish and/or French. You can also access the online version of the Handbook at www.undp.org/eo/handbook.
We hope that UNDP will find this publication useful in its effort to be a more effective partner for development.
Best regards,
Saraswathi Menon, Director, Office of Evaluation |Judith Karl, Director, Operations Support Group, Executive Office |Kanni Wignaraja, Director, Capacity Development Group, Bureau for Development Policy |