Good Enough Guide to Impact Measurement – Rapid Onset Natural Disasters

[from the Emergency Capacity Building Project website]

Published on 6 April 2011

The Department for International Development (DfID / UKAID) awarded a grant for the ECB Project to develop a new Good Enough Guide to Impact Measurement. Lead by Dr. Vivien Walden from Oxfam, a team of ECB specialists from CRS, Save the Children, and World Vision will work together with the British University of East Anglia (UEA).

This guide, and supporting capacity-building materials, will include the development of an impact measurement methodology for rapid onset natural disasters. The methodologies will be field tested by the editorial team in Pakistan and one other country location from September 2011 onwards.

The team welcomes suggestions and input on developing methodologies for impact measurement. Contact us with your ideas at

trainings in Evaluation of Humanitarian Action

Date: 14-16 June, 2010 and 17-18 June, 2010
Venue: near Brussels

Evaluation of Humanitarian Action with ALNAP (Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action)

14-16 June, 2010

This course is an introductory-to- intermediate level course and has the overall aim of making evaluations of humanitarian action more effective in contributing to the improved performance of interventions and to improve the quality of the evaluation process. This 3-day training course is based on an update of the ALNAP training modules. The course will also introduce some new material, specifically:

  • on joint evaluations: the rationale, experience and learning to date, interwoven throughout the training programme
  • on evaluating policy as well as projects and programmes
  • on innovative learning processes as part of the evaluation process.

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trainings in Evaluation of Humanitarian Action

Date: 9-11 November 2009
Venue: Brussels

9-11 November 2009 (introductory- to intermediate level) & 12-13 November 2009 (advanced level)

Evaluation of Humanitarian Action with ALNAP (Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action)

9-11 November 2009

This course is an introductory-to- intermediate level course and has the overall aim of making evaluations of humanitarian action more effective in contributing to the improved performance of interventions and to improve the quality of the evaluation process. This 3-day training course is based on an update of the ALNAP training modules. The course will also introduce some new material, specifically:
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