The Use of Social Network Analysis Tools in the Evaluation of Social Change Communications

by Rick Davies (April 2009).

This paper was produced for the Communication for Social Change Consortium, as a contribution to their paper for UNAIDS on reviewing approaches to monitoring and evaluation and advocating an expanded monitoring and evaluation framework for social change communication. All rights to this paper are with the Communication for Social Change Consortium (]


2. What is Social Network Analysis? A brief introduction..
3. The use of SNA in the study of HIV/AIDS..
4. The use of SNA in the evaluation of HIV/AIDS interventions..
5. How could SNA be useful in the evaluation of HIV/AIDS programs?.
5.1. Within organisations: Moving from Logical to Social Frameworks.
5.2. Within organisations: Moving beyond linear models.
5.2.1 Mapping and modeling.
5.2.2 Looking inside and outside the network.
5.2.3 Matrix versus network models.
5.3. Amongst multiple organisations: Where there is no central planner.
6. The uses of theory..
7. Scalability..
8. Limitations..
9 Opportunities..
10. An Afterword..

Impact Evaluation of Population, Health and Nutrition Programs

Date: October 5 – 16, 2009
Venue:  Public Health Foundation of India, New Delhi, India

USAID’s MEASURE Evaluation Project is pleased to announce the regional workshop on “Impact Evaluation of Population, Health and Nutrition Programs,” for English speaking professionals. The workshop is sponsored by the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), New Delhi, India in collaboration with MEASURE Evaluation. The two-week course will be held October 5 – 16, 2009 in New Delhi, India.
Continue reading “Impact Evaluation of Population, Health and Nutrition Programs”

A Regional Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Programs

Date: August 3-14, 2009
Venue: Pretoria, South Africa

USAID’s MEASURE Evaluation Project is pleased to announce a training opportunity for the Anglophone Africa region. The School of Health Systems and Public Health at University of Pretoria in Pretoria, South Africa is offering a regional workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Programs. This two-week course will take place August 3 – 14, 2009, and will be taught in English.
Continue reading “A Regional Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Programs”

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