World Bank, 2010
“The World Bank introduced the Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA) approach in fiscal 2002 to help governments and the Bank anticipate and address the possible consequences of proposed policy reforms, especially on the poor and vulnerable, and to contribute to country capacity for policy analysis. By fiscal 2007 the Bank had undertaken 156 pieces of analytical work using one or more elements of the PSIA approach (hereafter called PSIAs) in 75 countries and 14 sectors. Total donor support to PSIAs over fiscal 2004–06 was $15 million, which came from the Bank’s earmarked Incremental Fund for PSIAs ($5.8 million), earmarked PSIA Trust Funds contributed by various bilateral donors, and non-earmarked Bank budget and other donor funding.”…
“Although the Bank has submitted progress reports to donors regarding the implementation of PSIAs, it has not yet completed a comprehensive self-evaluation of the PSIA experience. This evaluation by the Independent Evaluation Group, requested by the Bank’s Board of Executive Directors, represents the first independent evaluation of the PSIA experience.”
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