Meeting of the London UKES Regional Network

Evaluation in the European Commission

What does Europe have to offer us?

Is the evaluation experience of the European Commission relevant?

7th May 2008

2.00pm to 4.30pm (Registration from 1.30 pm)

Financial Services Authority, Canary Wharf

Book now – places limited!

UK evaluators sometimes view evaluation undertaken in continental Europe as irrelevant to their work. Yet, they may be surprised to find a wealth of experience and tools generated by the European Commission that is highly pertinent to the everyday commissioning and undertaking of evaluations here in the UK.

The London Network invites you to take part in a unique session that will provide you with a privileged perspective into the world of European Commission evaluation. You will discover not only that the Commission evaluates all policies and programmes that it funds, but also that programme managers are tasked to provide a written response, in the form of a “fiche contradictoire” to explain why recommendations from an evaluation will or will not be implemented. Could this be a viable solution to the frequent burial of evaluation results in the UK?

To explore Europe’s approach to evaluation, we will hear from Evaluation Officer Neville Reeve from the Directorate General for Research on his practical experience of putting evaluation findings into practice. We will also learn about the resources offered by the Commission to help European evaluators achieve evaluation excellence: Elliot Stern, Editor of the Journal Evaluation (who will also chair the session) will introduce the on-line ‘EVALSED’ Guide to evaluation for social & economic development programmes. Ample time will be devoted to discussion and informal networking.

Registration is at 1.30 pm. The session starts promptly at 2 pm and lasts till 4.30 pm Refreshments available at registration and after 4.30 pm. This event is free to UKES members. A charge of £23.50 for non-UKES members is payable in advance. Registration form.

[1] The UKES Regional network would like to thank Matrix Knowledge Group for organising speakers and the Financial Service Authority for providing a venue for the event.

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