On-line training in Monitoring and Evaluation using Results Based Project Management

Date: 6th May up to 11th June, 2009
Venue: Online

Local Livelihoods will be putting on a live online Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation course to be run for 2 hours a week for six weeks.  Between each weekly session there will be exercises applying the course learning to your own project.  This will be supported by an interactive online database and project managements system that will enable participants to work simultaneously with the trainer with online mentoring.

The cost is £150.00 all you need is a PC with broadband connection.

The technology is extremely simple, just the same as opening websites, no more.

This first course is for participants in Africa and Europe.  There will be a later course for participants from Asia and the Pacific.

For further information please go to:  http://www.uk.locallivelihoods.com/Moduls/WebSite/Page/Default.aspx?Pag_Id=132

Freer Spreckley

16 thoughts on “On-line training in Monitoring and Evaluation using Results Based Project Management”

  1. Am glad to know of this online programe and i would like to find when is the next online programm starting so that i can register
    Thanks sincerely

  2. It is my pleasure finding this on-line course. When will you conduct this course again? I will appreciate much to get a chance in participating to this course. I need to register on the course please.



  3. When do you intend to have your training for 2010. Am interested in participating in it.

  4. Am interested in participating in the training in 2010. When next are you having this training?

  5. Hello,

    I currently work on a UNDP project in Mongolia as an International UNV and I would like to take part on this course. I would be very keen to know some more details about this exercise.

    Thank you very much,


  6. i’d like to know if you will offer the training in Monitoring and Evaluation using Results Based Project Management this year 2011 and the proposed dates as am interested to apply

  7. Also interested in the training on M&E using RBPM approach. So, please let me know if it is scheduled this year. Thanks

  8. Also interested in the training on M&E using RBPM approach. So, please let me know if it is scheduled this year.

  9. Live Online Courses for Development Staff in:

    Designing a Participatory Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation System. Dates: 22 Sept. to 20 Oct. 2011

    Results Based Project Design and Logical Framework Approach.
    Dates: 20 Sept. to 18 Oct. 2011

    Each course costs £200 ($320)for1 terminal and can be accessed from any location in the world without the need for downloads. The courses run for 2 hours for five weeks.


  10. When will you conduct another on-line M&E course using Results Based Project Management


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