M&E of Participation in Governance: Please identify toolkits, methodologies and indicators for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of programmes aimed at improving governance (particularly of urban infrastructure/services). Please highlight methods of relevance to NGOs for monitoring and evaluating poor people’s participation in decision-making processes.
Helpdesk response
Key findings: There is generally very little information available on evaluating the effectiveness of the inclusive/participatory aspects of governance programmes. A particular difficulty is that there is a limited understanding of what improvements in governance actually look like. Nevertheless, some common principles identified in the literature include the need for both quantitative and qualitative indicators and the importance of focusing on purpose, processes, context and perception as well as outputs and outcomes.
Some common indicators for assessing the effectiveness of participatory programmes include:
- the level of participation of different types of stakeholders
- institutional arrangements to facilitate engagement
- active engagement of stakeholders in the programme, and confidence and willingness to get involved in future
- the extent to which participants are mobilising their own resources
- transparent access to and use of resources
- equality of access to decision-making
- transformation of power through e.g. new relationships and access to new networks
- level of trust and ownership of the process behavioural changes of stakeholders (values, priorities, aims)
- level of self-reliance, self-management, capacity and understanding of the issues sustainability and ability to resolve conflict.
Full response: http://www.gsdrc.org/docs/open/HD549.pdf
Produced by the Governance and Social Development Resource Centre