1. Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation
19-23 April 2010 (repeated 27 September–1 October 2010)
£1250 fully residential (4 nights accommodation and all meals), £999 non-residential (including lunch, refreshments and materials)
Oxford, UK
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is an essential component of international NGOs, NGOs and civil society organisations striving for greater accountability in their work. There is an increasing demand in the sector for staff to understand what M&E entails, why it is so vital, and how to do it well and in a participatory way. This course will give a thorough introduction to the concepts and practical knowledge and skills needed by new staff, or staff new to M&E. Participants will learn to conduct monitoring and evaluation activities that will help their projects and programmes improve accountability, learning and effectiveness.
Objectives of the course.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Define the main terms and concepts associated with the processes of monitoring and evaluating
- projects and programmes
- Articulate the key purposes of M&E and be able to prioritise according to the context
- Select and use a range of tools with confidence
- Apply results of M&E processes to both accountability and organisational learning.
“My trip to Burundi was fantastic and I really felt I went into it with open eyes after the training…I just wanted you to know how much your training has really helped me launch into monitoring and evaluation. It was just so exciting to finally apply this in the field.”
Danielle Tirello Givens, Program Associate, Africa and the Middle East, Episcopal Relief & Development – a participant on an Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation course
2. Advanced Monitoring and Evaluation
26-30 April 2010 (repeated on 18-22 October 2010 and 14-18 March 2011)
£1250 fully residential (4 nights accommodation and all meals), £999 non-residential (including lunch, refreshments and materials)
Oxford, UK
This course explores M&E in greater depth than the introductory course. It is particularly relevant for staff that have a responsibility for those who are either managing or coordinating M&E in projects/programmes, trying to improve and enhance current M&E systems, and/or supporting partners to develop and implement effective M&E. The focus is on building coherent, effective and realistic systems that will serve to improve organisational learning and accountability.
Objectives of the course.
At the end of the course, participants will:
- Have consolidated their understanding of terms and concepts in M&E
- Be able to identify characteristics of an effective M&E system
- Be able to design and implement an effective and contextually appropriate M&E system
- Be better equipped to address challenges faced by their organisation and their partners in developing effective M&E systems.
3. Impact Assessment
26-28 May 2010 (repeated on 6-8 October 2010 and 23-25 March 2011)
With increased pressure on delivery and accountability, the need has never been greater for development and civil society organisations to assess the longer-term impact of their work. This three-day course explores the challenge of measuring impact and attribution and provides very practical tools and methods.
Objectives of the course
At the end of the course, participants will:
- Have developed conceptual clarity of impact assessment and its purpose
- Be able to select and apply appropriate methods and tools of assessing impact from a range of approaches
- Have considered the relevance of their organisation’s theory of change in relation to impact assessment
- Be better equipped to ensure that impact assessments contribute effectively to organisational learning and accountability.
“Excellent! As a facilitator myself, I’m really impressed.”
Anna Rambe, Programme Development Officer, Forum Syd – a participant on INTRAC’s Impact Assessment course