Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management

Tweet (via Xceval email list) We are pleased to inform you that the Arabic version of the DAC Evaluation Network’s “Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management,” has been released. The glossary is now available in thirteen languages! The multilingual glossary serves to promote shared understandings and facilitate joint work in evaluation. … Continue reading “Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management”

Evaluation of Results Based Management at UNDP

Tweet (via Niels Keijzer on the Pelikan email list) The United Nations Development Programme’s independent evaluation office has recently examined the agency’s adoption of results based management (RBM). I would like to refer to this evaluation in relation to our recent exchanges around changing information needs, and the ‘missing middle’ due to the emphasis on … Continue reading “Evaluation of Results Based Management at UNDP”

Results Based Management Explained (by the ADB)

Tweet ADB website Results Based Management (RBM) can mean different things to different people. A simple explanation is that RBM is the way an organization is motivated and applies processes and resources to achieve targeted results. Results refer to outcomes that convey benefits to the community (e.g. Education for All (EFA), targets set in both … Continue reading “Results Based Management Explained (by the ADB)”

Results Based Management (RBM): A list of resources

Tweet CIDA website: Results-based Management Results-based Management (RBM) is a comprehensive, life-cycle approach to management that integrates business strategy, people, processes, and measurements to improve decision-making and to drive change. The approach focuses on getting the right design early in a process, implementing performance measurement, learning and changing, and reporting on performance. RBM Guides RBM … Continue reading “Results Based Management (RBM): A list of resources”

The road to nowhere? Results based management in international cooperation

Tweet howard white provides a critique of this approach Results-based management has become a fact of life for development agencies. They might hope to learn from the experience of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) which has already gone down this road. It is indeed instructive that USAID has come back up the road … Continue reading “The road to nowhere? Results based management in international cooperation”

Results Based Management In The Development Co-Operation Agencies: A Review Of Experience Background Report

Tweet (OECD report, circa 2000) The development co-operation (or donor) agencies whose experiences are reviewed include USAID, DFID, AusAID, CIDA, Danida, the UNDP and the World Bank. These seven agencies made presentations on their performance management systems at the October 1998 workshop and have considerable documentation concerning their experiences. (During the second phase of work, … Continue reading “Results Based Management In The Development Co-Operation Agencies: A Review Of Experience Background Report”

The Big Push forward: The Australian Debate (Oct 2011)

Tweet October 26, 2011 by Chris Roche. On 19 October 2011, Oxfam Australia hosted a ‘Big Push Forward‘ event in Melbourne with the co-conveners of this initiative – Rosalind Eyben and Irene Guijt. Sixty development practitioners, including AusAid staff and academics came together to discuss whether the concerns voiced by the Big Push Forward project … Continue reading “The Big Push forward: The Australian Debate (Oct 2011)”

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