Collated contents of the first global online conference on the use of MSC, June 19th and 26th 2024


Collated and summarised information on the first global online conference on the use of MSC, June 19th and 26th 2024

About the 2024 MSC Conference 

This inaugural event marked an important milestone for the MSC community as we gathered for the first time, across the globe to discuss and explore the various facets of MSC practice. 

The primary objective of the conference was to facilitate meaningful discussions, learn from each other’s experiences, expand awareness of MSC, strengthen community ties, and explore  the potential  of MSC as a tool to help address future global challenges. Specifically, the conference aimed to showcase the diversity of MSC applications, from various locations, involving different populations, and interventions. It also sought to share best practices, and innovative approaches while exploring MSC’s role in addressing contemporary issues such as power dynamics and technological changes.

Over the course of the 2 days conference 180 individuals attended, including 44 presenters, across 20 sessions. Participants’ feedback on their experiences of the event can be seen here. If you participated in the event but have not yet given your feedback you can still provide it here. 

The conference contents are now available,as  listed below:

  1. The conference programme schedules for the 19th June and 26th June
  2. Individual presentations for the 19th and 26th June, including:
    1. Title
    2. Abstract
    3. PowerPoint presentations
    4. Claude AI summaries of audio records of session contents
    5. Presenters
    6. Contact information 
  3. Claude AI summaries of surrounding sessions
    1. Introductions for the 19th June and 26th June
    2. Wrap Up session for 19th June and 26th June
    3. Futures session for 19th June and 26th June
    4. Claude AI whole-day summaries for 19th June and 26th June

This event was organised pro bono by the MSC Conference Working Group (Rick Davies, Niki Wood, Cecilia Ruberto, Nur Hidayati, Kornelia Rassmann, Nick Andrews, Nitin Bajpai). For more information contact, or the authors of individual presentations.

Please note: Updated versions of this document may become available here


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