Research on the use and influence of evaluations: The beginnings of a list

This is intended to be the start of an accumulating list of references on the subject of evaluation use. Particularly papers that review specific sets or examples of evaluations, rather than talk about the issues in a less grounded way









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  • Improving the use of monitoring & evaluation processes and findings. Conference Report, Centre for Development Innovation, Wageningen, June 2014  
    • “An existing framework of four areas of factors influencing use …:
      1. Quality factors, relating to the quality of the evaluation. These factors include the evaluation design, planning, approach, timing, dissemination and the quality and credibility of the evidence.
      2. Relational factors: personal and interpersonal; role and influence of evaluation unit; networks,communities of practice.
      3. Organisational factors: culture, structure and knowledge management
      4. External factors, that affect utilisation in ways beyond the influence of the primary stakeholders and the evaluation process.
  • Bibliography provided by ODI, in response to this post Jan 2015. Includes all ODI publications found using keyword “evaluation” – a bit too broad, but still useful
  • ITIG- Utilization of Evaluations- Bibliography. International Development  Evaluation Association. Produced circa 2011/12


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