Making impact evaluation matter: Better evidence for effective policies and programmes

Asian Development Bank, Manila, 1-5 September 2014

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) are hosting a major international impact evaluation conference Making Impact Evaluation Matter from 1-5 September 2014 in Manila. The call for proposals to present papers and conduct workshops at the conference is now open.

Making Impact Evaluation Matter will comprise pre-conference workshops for 2.5 days from 1-3 September 2014, and 2.5 days of the conference from 3-5 September. Major international figures in the field of impact evaluation are being invited to speak at the plenary sessions of the conference. There will be five to six streams of pre-conference workshops and up to eight streams of parallel sessions during the conference, allowing for over 150 presentations.

Proposals are now being invited for presentations on any aspect of impact evaluations and systematic reviews, including findings, methods and translation of evidence into policy. Researchers are welcome to submit proposals on the design (particularly innovative designs for difficult to evaluate interventions), implementation, findings and use of impact evaluations and systematic reviews. Policymakers and development programme managers are welcome to submit proposals on the use of impact evaluation and systematic review findings.

Parallel sessions at the conference will be organised around the following themes/sectors: (a) infrastructure (transport, energy, information and communication technology, urban development, and water), (b) climate change/ environment/ natural resources, (c) social development (health, education, gender equity, poverty and any other aspect of social development),  (d) rural development (agriculture,  food security and any other aspect of rural development),  (e)  financial inclusion, (f) institutionalisation of impact evaluation, and incorporating impact evaluation or systematic reviews into institutional appraisal and results frameworks, (g) impact evaluation of institutional and policy reform (including public management and governance), (h) impact evaluation methods, and (g) promotion of the use of evidence.

Workshop proposals are being invited on all aspects of designing, conducting and disseminating findings from impact evaluations and systematic reviews. The workshops can be at an introductory, intermediate or advanced level.  The duration of a workshop can vary from half a day to two full days.

All proposals must be submitted via email to : with email subject line ‘Proposal: presentation’ or ‘Proposal: workshop’. The proposal submission deadline is 3 July 2014.

Bursaries are available for participants from low- and middle-income countries. Employees of international organisations are however not eligible for bursaries (except the Asian Development Bank). A bursary will cover return economy airfare and hotel accommodation. All other expenses (ground transport, visa, meals outside the event) must be paid by the participant or their employer. Bursary applications must be made through the conference website: The deadline for bursary applications is 15 July 2014.

Non-sponsored participants are required to pay a fee of US$250 for participating in the conference or US$450 for participating in the pre-conference workshops as well as the conference. Those accepted to present a workshop will be exempted from the fee.

For more information on the submission of proposals for the conference, read the Call for Proposals.

For the latest updates on Making Impact Evaluation Matter, visit

Queries may be sent to
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One thought on “Making impact evaluation matter: Better evidence for effective policies and programmes”

  1. Monitoring and Evaluation seminar conference is good way to submit our idea in various platform its good way to represent presentations on any aspect of social development and monotoring and evaluation, including findings, methods and translation of evidence. submit proposals on the design (particularly innovative designs for difficult to evaluate interventions, implementation in this platform


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