Symposium: Policy and Programme Evaluation in Europe : cultures and prospects

Date: July 3 and 4, 2008
Venue: European Parliament in Strasbourg, France

Dear Sir or Madam,

It is our pleasure to send you the enclosed programme of the Société Française de l’Évaluation’s next symposium, entitled “The evaluation of public policies in Europe: cultures and futures”. It is available here :

The symposium shall take place on July 3 and 4, 2008 at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. It is an official event of the French Presidency of the European Union 2008.

The event has been planned for all actors involved in the evaluation of public policies, and more generally for all those engaged in improving the effectiveness of public sector activities.

Its ambition is to share good practices, methods and cultures in evaluation on a European scale, as is borne out by our partnership with DeGEval – Gesellschaft für Evaluation (, as well as the contribution of around ten other national societies for evaluation. We aim to use the diversity of European practices as a collective strength and a resource for everyone.

We are thus looking forward to welcoming a large audience, from six hundred to eight hundred participants, representing a vast diversity of the European spectrum, consisting of experts, representatives of international organisations, national, regional and local civil services and authorities, as well as academics and representatives of civil society. The exchanges of views throughout the symposium shall be facilitated through simultaneous translation between French and English.

We would be very honoured if you could come and contribute to the exchanges of those assembled with your own experience and thoughts.

For practical information and registration :

It is our hope that we will have the pleasure of welcoming you at the European Parliament next July 3 and 4.

Yours sincerely,

President of the SFE,


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