Quality in policy impact evaluation: understanding the effects of policy from other influences

Authors:  Siobhan Campbell, Gemma Harper

Published by HM Treasury, Dept of Energy and Climate Change, Dept of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, December 2012

Quality in policy impact evaluation (QPIE) is a supplement to the Magenta Book (see below) and provides a guide to the quality of impact evaluation designs. It has been developed to aid policy makers and analysts understand and make choices about the main impact evaluation designs by understanding their pros and cons and how well each design can allow for any measured change to be attributed to the policy intervention being investigated.


Executive summary
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Quality in policy impact evaluation
Chapter 3 Strong research designs in the measurement of attribution
Chapter 4 Weaker/riskier research designs in the measurement of attribution
Annex A Acknowledgements
Annex B References


The Magenta Book

27 April 2011

The Magenta Book is HM Treasury guidance on evaluation for Central Government, but will also be useful for all policy makers, including in local government, charities and the voluntary sectors. It sets out the key issues to consider when designing and managing evaluations, and the presentation and interpretation of evaluation results. It describes why thinking about evaluation before and during the policy design phase can help to improve the quality of evaluation results without needing to hinder the policy process.

The book is divided into two parts.

Part A is designed for policy makers. It sets out what evaluation is, and what the benefits of good evaluation are. It explains in simple terms the requirements for good evaluation, and some straightforward steps that policy makers can take to make a good evaluation of their intervention more feasible.

Part B is more technical, and is aimed at analysts and interested policy makers. It discusses in more detail the key steps to follow when planning and undertaking an evaluation and how to answer evaluation research questions using different evaluation research designs. It also discusses approaches to the interpretation and assimilation of evaluation evidence.

The Magenta Book will be supported by a wide range of forthcoming supplementary guidance containing more detailed guidance on particular issues, such as statistical analysis and sampling.

The Magenta Book is also available for download in PDF format:




Jens Ludwig, Jeffrey R. Kling, Sendhil Mullainathan, Working Paper 17062
, NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH, 1050 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138, May 2011 pdf copy available

A mechanism experiment is “an experiment that does not test a policy, but one which tests a causal mechanism that underlies a policy”

Randomized controlled trials are increasingly used to evaluate policies. How can we make these experiments as useful as possible for policy purposes? We argue greater use should be made of experiments that identify behavioral mechanisms that are central to clearly specified policy questions, what we call “mechanism experiments.” These types of experiments can be of great policy value even if the intervention that is tested (or its setting) does not correspond exactly to any realistic policy option.

RD comment: Well worth reading. Actually entertaining.

See also a blog posting about them by David McKenzie:  What are “Mechanism Experiments” and should we be doing more of them?  on Mon, 2011-06-06 01:02

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