SLEvaluationAssoc 2011 International Conference in Colombo

Date: 8-9 June
Venue: Colombo, Sri Lanka
The Sri Lanka Evaluation Association (SLEvA) will hold the SLEvA 2011 International Conference in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 8-9 June. The conference will be preceded by pre conference professional development workshops conducted by leading professionals in the field as well as professionals working to build the evaluation field in South Asia such as the Community of Evaluators, members of the Consortium of Academic Institutions for Teaching Evaluation in South Asia TESA and the International Organisation for Collaboration in Evaluation.

The conference is expected to bring together around 150 professionals in evaluation, academics and members of regional and global evaluation associations. The conference will be of interest to professionals and will provide an opportunity for sharing knowledge and ideas with professionals and practitioners in evaluation and to learn of initiatives in South Asia.

The overall theme of the conference will be ‘Evaluation for Policy and Action’ with the following as subthemes.

  • Evaluation for influencing policy and policy evaluation
  • Evaluation for supporting development programmes
  • Evaluation in disaster reduction and management
  • Evaluating networks and partnerships
  • Building the evaluation field
  • Evaluation methodologies and approaches
  • Other evaluation issues

The conference website is at

SLEvA invites paper abstracts, proposals for panel discussions, exhibits and displays, net working events and welcome your ideas for sharing information and learning


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