Can we obtain the required rigour without randomisation? Oxfam GB’s non-experimental Global Performance Framework

Karl Hughes, Claire Hutchings, August 2011. 3ie Working Paper 13. Available as pdf.

[found courtesy of @3ieNews]


“Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) operating in the international development sector need credible, reliable feedback on whether their interventions are making a meaningful difference but they struggle with how they can practically access it. Impact evaluation is research and, like all credible research, it takes time, resources, and expertise to do well, and – despite being under increasing pressure – most NGOs are not set up to rigorously evaluate the bulk of their work. Moreover, many in the sector continue to believe that capturing and tracking data on impact/outcome indicators from only the intervention group is sufficient to understand and demonstrate impact. A number of NGOs have even turned to global outcome indicator tracking as a way of responding to the effectiveness challenge. Unfortunately, this strategy is doomed from the start, given that there are typically a myriad of factors that affect outcome level change. Oxfam GB, however, is pursuing an alternative way of operationalising global indicators. Closing and sufficiently mature projects are being randomly selected each year among six indicator categories and then evaluated, including the extent each has promoted change in relation to a particular global outcome indicator. The approach taken differs depending on the nature of the project. Community-based interventions, for instance, are being evaluated by comparing data collected from both intervention and comparison populations, coupled with the application of statistical methods to control for observable differences between them. A qualitative causal inference method known as process tracing, on the other hand, is being used to assess the effectiveness of the organisation’s advocacy and popular mobilisation interventions. However, recognising that such an approach may not be feasible for all organisations, in addition to Oxfam GB’s desire to pursue complementary strategies, this paper also sets out several other realistic options available to NGOs to step up their game in understanding and demonstrating their impact. These include: 1) partnering with research institutions to rigorously evaluate “strategic” interventions; 2) pursuing more evidence informed programming; 3) using what evaluation resources they do have more effectively; and 4) making modest investments in additional impact evaluation capacity.”


Eric Roetman,  International Child Support,  Email: eric.roetman@ic

3ie Working Paper 11, March 2011 Found courtesy of  @txtpablo

“Development agencies are under great pressure to show results and evaluate the impact of projects and programmes. This paper highlights the practical and ethical dilemmas of conducting impact evaluations for NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations). Specifically the paper presents the case of the development organization, International Child Support (ICS). For almost a decade, all of ICS’ projects in West Kenya were evaluated through rigorous, statistically sound, impact evaluations. However, as a result of logistical and ethical dilemmas ICS decided to put less emphasis on these evaluations. This particular case shows that rigorous impact evaluations are more than an additional step in the project cycle; impact evaluations influence every step of the programme and project design. These programmatic changes, which are needed to make rigorous impact evaluations possible, may go against the strategy and principles of many development agencies. Therefore, impact evaluations not only require additional resources but also present organizations with a dilemma if they are willing to change their approach and programmes.”

[RD comment: I think this abstract is somewhat misleading. My reading of the story in this paper is that ICS’s management made some questionable decisions, not that there was something intrinsically questionable about rigourous impact evaluations per se. In the first half of the story the ICS management allowed researchers, and their methodological needs, to drive ICS programming decisions, rather than to serve and inform programming decisions. In the second half of the story the evidence from some studies of the efficacy of particular forms of participatory development seems to have been overriden by the sheer strength of ICSs belief’s in the primacy of participatory approaches. Of course this would not be the first time that evidence has been sidelined, when an organisation’s core values and beliefs are threatened.]

Critical Study Of The Logical Framework Approach In The Basque Country

By ECODE, Bilbao, March 2011

Full text available in Spanish and in English


“Since 1999 ECODE has been working on supporting the management of Development Cooperation interventions in the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC) by the multiple agents that are involved in this sector, including public administrations, Development NGOs and organisations in the South. During this time it has had the chance to strengthen the use of the Logical Framework Approach by all these entities, including its effects (positive and on occasions not so positive) on the planning and management  of the interventions based on it.

ECODE has also collaborated with the Basque Government’s Head Office of Development Cooperation for the development of its presentation and justification forms for its interventions, Projects, Programmes and Humanitarian Action for Development Cooperation carried out by Development NGOs. In addition, it has worked with a number of Basque entities supporting similar services. As a result, we have been able to see the multiple models there are for planning and formulating interventions, eminently based on the Logical Framework, and the consequences that this has for Development NGOs when applying for and justifying subsidies before various entities for their Development Cooperation interventions. Continue reading “Critical Study Of The Logical Framework Approach In The Basque Country”

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