Evaluability – is it relevant to EBRD? (and others)

EBRB Evaluation Brief, June 2012 by Keith Leonard, Senior Adviser (EvD), Amelie Eulenberg, Senior Economist (EvD) Available as pdf.

RD comment: A straightforward and frank analysis.

Conclusions and recommendations
1. Purpose and structure of the paper
2. Evaluability and why it matters
2.1 What is evaluability?
2.1.1 Expression of expected results
2.1.2 Indicators
2.1.3 Baseline
2.1.4 Risks
2.1.5 Monitoring
2.2 How and by whom is evaluability assessed?
2.3 Why evaluability matters
2.3.1 Relationship between evaluability and project success
2.3.2 More reliable and credible evaluations
2.3.3 Telling the story of results
2.4 What is quality-at-entry and how does it differ from evaluability?
3. How other IFIs use evaluability
3.1 Asian Development Bank
3.2 Inter-American-Development Bank
3.3 International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group
4. Current practice in the EBRD
4.1 Structure of Final Review Memorandum
4.2 EvD evaluation of the Early Transition Country Initiative
4.3 EvD synthesis of findings on a decade of evaluations of technical cooperation
4.4 Grant Co-financing Strategic Review
4.5 The findings of the Besley Report

A Bibliography on Evaluability Assessment

PS: This posting and bibliography was first published in November 2012, but has been updated since then, most recently in March 2018. The bibliography now contains 150 items.

An online (Zotero) bibliography was generated in November 2012 by Rick Davies, as part of the process of developing a “Synthesis of literature on evaluability assessments” contracted by the DFID Evaluation Department

[In 2012] There are currently 133 items in this bibliography, listed by year of publication, starting with the oldest first. They include books, journal articles, government and non-government agency documents and webpages, produced between 1979 and 2012. Of these 59% described actual examples of Evaluability Assessments, 13% reviewed experiences of multiple kinds of Evaluability Assessments, 28% were expositions on Evaluability Assessments, with some references to examples, 10% were official guidance documents on how to do Evaluability Assessments and 12% were Terms of Reference for Evaluability Assessments. Almost half (44%) of the documents were produced by international development agencies.

The list is a result of a search using Google Scholar and Google Search to find documents with “evaluability” in the title. The first 100 items in the search result listing were examined. Searches were also made via PubMed, JSTOR and Sciverse. A small number of documents were also identified as a result of a request posted on the MandE NEWS, Xceval and Theory Based Evaluation email lists.

This list is open to further editing and inclusions. Suggestions should be sent to rick.davies@gmail.com


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