The Ethnographic Explorer: Help Pages


  1. Background
    1. Free usage, technical support & subscription
    2. Privacy
    3. Copyright and Limitation of Liability
    4. Origins and Acknowledgements
  2. Use settings
    1. Online: One-to-one interviews, using a shared screen view
    2. Live workshops, using a projected screen view
  3. The three stages of an EE exercise
    1. Sorting
      1. Types of cases to include in a sorting exercise
      2. Types of sorts
      3. Guidance on how to do it
      4. Problems and how to resolve them
    2. Comparing
      1. Types of comparison questions
    3. Contrasting
      1. Types of contrasts
      2. Relationship measures
  4. Relationship to other methods
    1. Configurational analysis
    2. Measurement rubrics
  1. Keep informed
    1. The Ethnographic Explorer Community of Practice on Google Groups
    2. MandE NEWS page on Hierarchical Card Sorting

Use cases

  1. Ethnography: The process of sorting can be used as a means of understanding people’s view of the world. There are three types of use:
    1. Identifying the contents of the distinctions: What people see as relatively important.
    2. Identifying the limits to people’s knowledge: When further differences cannot be identified.
    3. Identifying the direction of attention and learning: Where further differences can be identified.
  2. Planning and evaluation:
    1. Through the use of comparison questions, identifying differences
      1. In degree (more vs less) and differences in kind (categorical) in
        What might happen and what has happened
    2. Through the contrasting of comparison responses (rankings) about
        Different kinds of rankings e.g. Plans and results
        The same assessments over different periods of time
        The same assessments by different people
  1. Other uses
    1. Portfolio reviews
    2. Value for Money
    3. Stakeholder analyses
    4. Intersectionality
    5. MSC content analyses
    6. Capacity building assessment

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