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Qualitative Comparative Analysis – A Rigorous Qualitative Method for Assessing Impact

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A Coffey How-To note, June 2015, by Carrie Baptist and Barbara Befani. Available as pdf [2]


Rick Davies comment: The availability of this sort of explanatory and introductory note is very timely, given the increased use of QCA for evaluation purposes. My only quibble with this how-to note is that the heart of the QCA process seems to have been left undescribed (see step 10, page 6), like the proverbial  black box. For those looking for a more detailed exposition, keep an eye out for the extensive guide now being prepared by Barbara Befani, with support from the Expert Group for Aid Studies in Sweden (More details here [3]). There is also an introductory posting on QCA on the Better Evaluation website [4]

See also: This new listing of use of QCA for evaluation purposes http://www.compasss.org/bibliography/evalua.htm [5]