Is Australian Aid Fair Dinkum? A Forum On The Independent Review Of Aid Effectiveness

Venue: Old Parliament House, 18 King George Tce, Parkes 8222, Canberra
Date: Tuesday, 13 September 2011 6:00 PM


“In a world where we have achieved so much, from quantum leaps in medical research to the development of sophisticated technologies, it seems implausible that there are more hungry people in the world today than the populations of the United States, Canada and the European Union combined.

But the picture isn’t all bleak. A recent report released by the United Nations reveals that we have made some significant progress in our bid to alleviate poverty around the world, and the Independant Review of Aid Effectiveness commissioned by the Australian Government has made some assessments and recommendations that could help guide progress in the future.

However, when it comes to the complex issue of poverty alleviation, there are no simple answers.

What are some of the challenges faced when it comes to ensuring that we are taking the smartest and most efficient approach to tackling poverty? What are the timeframes within which we can realistically expect change to happen? And are we doing enough to address structural and behavioural issues that perpetuate gender inequality and other forms of exploitation that continue the vicious cycle of poverty.

How much of a difference are we actually making?”

Speakers include:

  • James Batley – Deputy Director-General, Asia Pacific and Program Enabling Group, AusAID
  • Stephen Howes – Director, Development Policy Centre, ANU and member of Independent Aid Effectiveness Review panel
  • Dr Julia Newton-Howes – Chief Executive, CARE AustraliaNikunj Soni – Board Chair, Pacific Institute of Public Policy, Vanuatu

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