The Implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: Where do We Stand and How to Move Forward?

Date: 15th -16th April 2010
Venue: Martin’s Central Park Hotel, Boulevard Charlemagne 80, Brussels:

The Paris Declaration (PD), adopted in 2005, lays down principles and procedures for enhancing the effectiveness of aid and specifies them in twelve targets supplied with monitorable indicators and to be achieved by 2010. The quantitative assessment by the OECD of the progress towards 2010 reveals considerable delays of donors and partner countries. With the global economic crisis and growing concern about climate change the targets of the PD have become a great challenge.

EADI in cooperation with the Institute of Development Policy and Management (IOB) will hold a 2 days intensive training workshop in Brussels for development professionals and practitioners. This training workshop is part of the EADI Masterclasses.


  • Robrecht Renard, IOB, Universiteit Antwerpen
  • Dr. Nadia Molenaers, IOB, Universiteit Antwerpen
  • Nathalie Holvoet, IOB, Universiteit Antwerpen
  • Gaelle Doleans, Policy Officer, European Commission DG Development

The training programme consists of the following elements:

15th April

10:00-13:00 Is the Paris Declaration desirable?

  • A short history of the evolution of aid modalities and instruments
  • Insights from the aid effectiveness debate
  • The proposed new aid architecture as a boost to aid effectiveness (model, rationale, etc.)
  • From rhetoric to reality: where do we stand?

(11:30-11:45 Coffee break)

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-17:00 Is the Paris Declaration realistic? The political limits of aid architecture reform

  • The nature of the state and quality of institutions in recipient countries
  • The political constraints of donors
  • The overambitious agenda the civil society is confronted with
  • The political effects of aid

(15:30-15:45 Coffee break)

19:00-21:00 Socials

16th April

9:00-12:00 Monitoring and Evaluation in the context of changing aid modalities: importance, challenges and moving forward

  • Importance of M&E
  • The Paris Declaration and the M&E reform agenda
  • Progress in the realisation of the reform agenda: evidence for recipient countries and donors
  • Suggestions to move forward: a two-track approach

(10:30-10:45 Coffee break)

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-14:30 Debt Relief Issues

14:30-17:00 Hands-on exercises, group work or simulations

The language of the workshop is English.

Participants will receive:

  • An USB Stick with relevant publications and documents
  • Access to wiki with publications and training session documentation
  • Certificate of participation provided by EADI

Register online (Number of participants is limited)

Participation fee is 650 EUR. There is a special discount of 100 EUR for EADI members and partners and also for students with valid student ID. Lunch and refreshments are included. Please be aware that EADI does not offer any funding.

Terms and conditions:We reserve the right to cancel any class with insufficient registration, in which case, the tuition fee will be refunded.

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