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PAQI How-to-do-it Annex

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This is a technical annex to http://mande.co.uk/special-issues/participatory-aggregation-of-qualitative-information-paqi/ [2]

Data processing steps

The network diagrams [3] were produced using UCINET & NetDraw [4] (a package). Very briefly, this involved producing the following files:

PS:  I have set up a seperate posting on the merits of different kinds of social network analysis software [7], including UCINET and NetDraw.

Adding qualitative “flesh” to the quantitative “bones”

The network diagrams are the structure. They are the results of all the sorting activities by all the participants. But in the process of sorting the items each participants also added qualitative information, in the form of descriptions of the categories they created. In the Indonesian example 33 category descriptions were provided by the 5 participants. This next section will describe how that qualitative information can be made accessable, as people explore the individual nodes and links in the network diagrams. This information will be in the form of node and link attributes.

With the Indonesian data  I listed the members of each grouping of items in a row, and then in an adjacent column I entered the text description of that group given by the participant. When all the groupings of one respondent were entered I started with the next respondent’s groupings on the rows below

The challenge is to then collate all text descriptions that apply to a given item and to do that for all items, in a way that is not manually time consuming. To do this I set up a list of items (in rows), and in adjacent columns I set up a logic function that in effect searched for relevant text. A copy of the Excel sheet will be attached here.

This data then needs to be  put into an attribute.txt format (example here [5]) and then imported into Netdraw as an attribute file, when already viewing the item x  item network (File>Open>VNA text file>Attributes). Then any node can be double right clicked to view its attributes, including all the descriptions given to it by the participants (See example [8]). Bear in mind these are descriptions of the categories it belongs to, not that specific item.