Final Report, October 2007, Hanne Lund Madsen,

For The Danish Child & Youth NGO Network, The Danish NGO Education Network, Thematic Forum, Gendernet, Aidsnet

The overall aim of this study is to:

  • Provide a solid basis for discussion of the future perspectives for NGO Networks including a synthesis and analysis of experiences regarding NGO networks in Denmark and aboard
  • Discuss the networking concept on the basis of the study and create a framework for common positioning and decision among Danish NGO Networks regarding possible scenario for future networking cooperation.

A Reference Group appointed by the Networks involved has been engaged in the study and has provided input and reflection during the process, including participation in a mini-scenario workshop.

Some of the findings have also been shared within the larger NGO Community at a seminar on the revision of the Danida Civil Society Strategy and the observations taken into account. A debriefing has taken place with the Reference Group and the Final Report has been approved. In light of the opportunities presented in connection with the revision of the Danida Civil Society Strategy, the Reference Group is currently considering the most appropriate forum for discussion of the future architecture of the Danish Networks.

The Networks have asked the following questions that have guided the study:

Focus Question One: When and how have the networks contributed most to improving the quality of the Danish NGOs work and performance?

Focus Question Two: Which other aims and long-term visions could there be for the Danish Networks beyond that of knowledge sharing and capacity development?

Focus Question Three: Which structures and processes can be used in networks in particular structures other than the present dominant model?

Focus Question Four: How can the sustainability of the networks be ensured in the long run?

Finally, the TOR request that three different future scenarios for the Networks be identified, which can serve as a basis for reflection and clarification of positions.

The report is structured in three main parts: Chapter II provides the meta-reflections around networking with observations pertaining to the Danish experiences, Chapter III gives examples of networking structures and purposes in neighbouring countries and Chapter IV presents four scenarios for NGO relationships within networking and beyond.


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